Port Orford, Oregon. Explore the WildRivers Coast
1859 showcased Port Orford - and us! - here!
"Inside this magical Oregon coast hotel..."
We're #4 on this cool list of fun things to see and do in Oregon!
Another great recommendation from Portland Monthly
The most romantic getaway in Oregon

1859 recommended us as one of
six romantic getaways in Oregon.
Gerry Frank, columnist for The Oregonian, just recommended us as a great winter getaway!

Conde Nast Traveler recommended us as part of the
most beautiful road trip in the U.S.! Oh wow...
"Seek out Adventure in Port Orford." Travel Oregon

Great Oregon getaways!
1859 Magazine listed us among best Oregon coast romantic trips!

Travel and Leisure listed us among 14 cool off-season beach resorts!
USAToday shows our hottub first in a photo portfolio of
21 noteworthy hottubs around the country. Nov 2014
Sunset Magazine listed us - and Port Orford - as one of
9 off-the-grid getaways - their eighth recommendation! Nov 2014
Coos Bay World "Two excellent reasons to make the trip south."

Outside Magazine recommends us and Port Orford! July 2014
TripAdvisor sent an
to all its members (!!!)
May 9, 2014 putting us
on a list of ten
"gorgeous eco hotels" (woo hoo!)
"9 Towns to Visit During Your Oregon Coast Road Trip"
A travel blog about WildSpring, very cool.
One of 10 little U.S. towns not to miss this summer (and us, too...yay!)

Sunset Magazine recommends us for the 7th time!

Port Orford and WildSpring, cover of the April 28,'13 Travel Section

One of 25 best winter lodges in the northwest. Dec '12

Stay at WildSpring when you visit Port Orford, one of 101 hidden treasures in the West. Nov '12

One of ten towns not to miss this summer. Us, too! Aug '12

One of 9 "secret vacation spots where the world slips away." Feb '12

A new review and video. Very cool.
Travels with Carole calls us a "Great Sleep"
Travel Oregon thinks we're great for "Wellness Weekends"
 One of five luxury resorts in the US (!!!)
recommended in USAToday
Feb '11
One of three Oregon coast resorts in USAToday, Sept '10

Scroll down to: Oregon's South Coast - Delightful and Unique, Feb '11

A cool new review and video, Jan '11
The Oregonian's Gerry Frank's picks, Dec '10

June '10 special issue, pg 50
Check out Oregon Healthy Living Magazine, June 2010

"4 Days and 2 Wheels on the Oregon Coast." July 12, 09

May '09 issue, pg 28, download pdf

Download pdf: small size or large (and actually readable)

Recommended in June 1, 2008 Travel Section of the New York Times, "31 Places to Go This Summer"
Review in Lonely Planet Guide, popular outside the U.S.

Article on wild irises in the south Oregon Coast in Sunset Magazine, April 2008

Article on green travel in American Airlines inflight magazine, American Way, March 15, 2008

Article about our eco-friendly policies and practices, Natural Awakenings, March 2007
Click to download article.
Best Places of the Northwest, Highest Rating/Editors' Choice
Portland Monthly, May 2006
The Week, April 28, 2006
The Oregonian, March 26, 2006 - download copy • OregonLive online version
Sunset Magazine, NW Edition, February 2005

Oregon Coast Magazine, Sept/Oct 2005 • download copy
The Oregonian, Gerry Frank's column, March 6, 2005
The Oregonian, July 25, 2004